Becoming a parent is a beautiful feeling and with it comes great responsibility as well. There are many things which are unknown to the first time parents and are difficult for them to understand such
as why kids get up at night and start crying when they are not hungry or why they put everything in their mouth. It’s quite difficult to understand each and every aspect of kid’s habits and their antics but we are going to tell you 13 wonderful facts about your kids which will help you a
lot in understanding your kid better.
1Why kids put every object in their mouth?
No parent likes to see their kid putting objects in their mouth as it is unhygienic and may be harmful too. However, the kids are not able to recognize things using their fingers till the first seven months but they know how to use their mouth and tongue in a good manner so they put everything in their mouth.

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2Kids start learning to talk when they are inside the womb
A kid takes almost a year or little more than that to speak his first word but they start learning how to talk when they are inside the womb. A kid starts listening to his mother’s voice and other voices when his mother is 23 weeks pregnant. A kid loves his mother’s voice so she should start reading for the kid when she has crossed or about to cross the 23rd week of pregnancy.

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3Why newborn babies sleep a lot?
Newborn babies sleep a lot because their brain use more than 50 percent of the glucose from the foods which they eat and glucose is absorbed better and faster while sleeping. On the other hand, brain of an adult uses only 20 percent of glucose from the food, consumed by them.

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4Babies are able to find nipples on their own when they are left on the mother’s belly, but how?
A baby will find his mother’s nipples without anybody’s help, if he is left on mother’s belly even after one hour of taking birth because the smell of nipples is like amniotic fluid where the infant has spent 9 months. In fact, the taste of the kid starts developing when he is in the womb and when the kid starts eating adult food, he may like the food which his mother used to eat when he was in the womb.

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This is how newborn babies see the world
The newborn babies see the world in three colors – black, white and grey. They can see up to the distance of 12 inches only and they can distinguish only those faces and things which are within a distance of 10 inches. If the distance is more than 12 inches then the visuals for the baby gets blur. The reason behind it is that the binocular vision is in developing stage, the binocular vision is the ability of the brain to mix the 2 images sent by the two eyes.

6The newborn babies eat frequently, why?
The newborn babies eat frequently as the size of their stomach is very small, it can be said that at the time of birth their stomach is of the size of a hazelnut because of which it can’t store larger servings. However, within the 2 weeks, the size of stomach increases and it is as big as an egg.

7Why babies wake up and cry at night when they are not even hungry?
It is being said that if a baby cries in the night then he might not want to have any sibling. The founder of this theory, David Haig states that this ability was developed during evolution as it will be easy for a kid if he doesn’t have a sibling because then he will get the full attention of his mother.
Haig also says that crying of the baby in the night may also depend upon the genes passed on to the kid by the mother or the father. If mother’s genes are passed on to the kid, he won’t cry in the night as it will be interested in having a sibling while the father’s genes will make sure that there is no pregnancy as men can’t be sure of the fact that the next kid will also be his kid.

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8Why we forget almost everything from our early childhood days?
The scientists haven’t given any answer to this question but one thing that has been noticed is that the new brain cells are produced at a faster rate in kids than adults and they replace the old cells in which our memories of early childhood are saved. This phenomenon of not being able to remember the memories of early childhood is called as Infantile amnesia.

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Birthmarks are not so unusual
Sometimes a kid is born with an unusual mark on their body, which is known as birthmark, the most common type of birthmark is stork type which is also called an angel kiss. However, usually, there is nothing to worry about these birthmarks as they disappear on their own as time passes by. But sometimes these birthmarks are an indication of a medical condition so it is better to ask the doctor to take a look at it.

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10The number of bones is more in kids than the adults
Yes, sounds unbelievable but its true, the newborn babies have around 300 bones. However, with time some of them will get harder while some will join to make one solid bone. For example, in the beginning, the skull is not a single piece of bone, it is three pieces which are put together with the help of a cartilage as it helps it in fitting in the birth canal. However, as the kids grow the number of bones comes down to 206.

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