Young Boy With No Arms Uses Axe To Chop Wood


This little guys is a warrior. He has found a way to chop a tree with an axe despite having no arms, proving that you can do anything with enough determination.

The little guy lives in Kabankalan in the Philippines, and he says he wants to use the video to inspire others by showing what he can do.

He places the axe between his shoulder and his cheek, lifts it up and releases it after enough momentum to chop in the tree.

Watch the child at work here:

The video is filmed near his house, and is definitely an inspiration for people who are afraid to take a challenge.  What excuse would you have to not wash the dishes or not to take the trash out after watching this.

Viewers of the video shared their admiration for the little boy.

One commenter wrote:
 If you try hard enough nothing is impossible, no matter your condition.

Another person is planning to use the video to encourage their own children to work harder:


A third simply added:

              Amazing little boy God bless him

It looks like the little guy has a lot of work to do until he chops the tree in half but with the motivation he has i bet he will do it.

A little girl has been as inspirational as the chop guy when she taught herself how to eat with her feet.

Vasilina, from Russia, was filmed by her mum, who shared the video on Facebook with Vasilina’s fans.

Showing an impressive coordination, Vasilina held a fork with her toes and managed to feed herself – while many children her age can’t eat without making a total mess of themselves.

Vasilina struggled a bit to find the perfect angle to reach the food, but her determination made sure she ended up well fed.

The video has no doubt been inspirational for many people.

One viewer commented:

              oh my… Touched. Loving this little but already strong and amazing angel.

An incredible Chinese man born with no arms has found a way to beat his disability - by using his TOES to set up a successful online business
Chen Zifang's parents thought their 27-year-old son might be resigned to a life of hardship after he was born without arms.
But despite his severe disabilities, inspiring Chen, Badong county, Hubei province, central China, has managed to lead a fulfilling life - thanks to his talent for carrying out everyday tasks with his feet.
The possibilities appear limitless for self-sufficient Chen who has even managed to launch a profitable business.


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