10 Amazing Facts about Newborn Babies That Every Parent Should Know

Becoming a parent is a beautiful feeling and with it comes great responsibility as well. There are many things which are unknown to the first time parents and are difficult for them to understand such

 as why kids get up at night and start crying when they are not hungry or why they put everything in their mouth. It’s quite difficult to understand each and every aspect of kid’s habits and their antics but we are going to tell you 13 wonderful facts about your kids which will help you a 
lot in understanding your kid better.

1Why kids put every object in their mouth?

No parent likes to see their kid putting objects in their mouth as it is unhygienic and may be harmful too. However, the kids are not able to recognize things using their fingers till the first seven months but they know how to use their mouth and tongue in a good manner so they put everything in their mouth.
Why kids put every object in their mouth?
Image Source: www.legalreader.com

2Kids start learning to talk when they are inside the womb

A kid takes almost a year or little more than that to speak his first word but they start learning how to talk when they are inside the womb. A kid starts listening to his mother’s voice and other voices when his mother is 23 weeks pregnant. A kid loves his mother’s voice so she should start reading for the kid when she has crossed or about to cross the 23rd week of pregnancy.
Kids start learning to talk when they are inside the womb
Image Source: flubit.com

3Why newborn babies sleep a lot?

Newborn babies sleep a lot because their brain use more than 50 percent of the glucose from the foods which they eat and glucose is absorbed better and faster while sleeping. On the other hand, brain of an adult uses only 20 percent of glucose from the food, consumed by them.
Why newborn babies sleep a lot?
Image Source: amotherfarfromhome.com

4Babies are able to find nipples on their own when they are left on the mother’s belly, but how?

A baby will find his mother’s nipples without anybody’s help, if he is left on mother’s belly even after one hour of taking birth because the smell of nipples is like amniotic fluid where the infant has spent 9 months. In fact, the taste of the kid starts developing when he is in the womb and when the kid starts eating adult food, he may like the food which his mother used to eat when he was in the womb.
Babies are able to find nipples on their own when they are left on the mother’s belly, but how?
Image Source: www.ibudanayah.com

This is how newborn babies see the world

The newborn babies see the world in three colors – black, white and grey. They can see up to the distance of 12 inches only and they can distinguish only those faces and things which are within a distance of 10 inches. If the distance is more than 12 inches then the visuals for the baby gets blur. The reason behind it is that the binocular vision is in developing stage, the binocular vision is the ability of the brain to mix the 2 images sent by the two eyes.
This is how newborn babies see the world

10 Strange Beauty Treatments That People Are Undergoing To Retain Their Beauty And Young Looks

Everyone wants to look beautiful and feel healthy as it makes us feel more confident and happy. 

Nowadays, people prefer to go to spas and beauty parlors for enhancing their beauty and these centers are also coming up with new methods to serve their customers.
Some of these methods are so strange and unusual that you may not even believe that people undergo such treatments for increasing their beauty and improving their health. We will let you know about some of these weird methods which are practiced in various parts of the world and we are sure that you will be surprised to the core.

1Snake massage therapy

Snakes, whether big or small are frightening creatures but how will you feel if such snakes offer you massage while you are lie on the massage table. The mouth of the snakes are taped so that they can’t bite the customer and it is said that snake massage decreases the risk of heart diseases as it improves the blood flow of the body and brings down stress levels and anxiety. Presently, snake massage is being offered in Philippines, Indonesia, Russia, Israel and Thailand.
Snake massage therapy
Image Source: www.thesun.co.uk

2Leech therapy

It is being said that leeches were first used in Egypt for medicinal purposes around 2500 years back and nowadays, leech therapy is a popular method of detoxifying. Hollywood actress, Demi Moore also undergoes leech therapy for enhancing her beauty. These medicinal leeches extract blood from the body of the patient for 20-45 minutes and this therapy is beneficial in dental problems, infections, skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases and nervous system abnormalities.
Leech therapy
Image Source: youglo.co.uk

3Beer spas

Taking bath with warm water can provide relaxation to our body and can also help in reducing pain but there are some spas in Prague, Germany, Czech Republic and Austria which are providing its customers with an option to get soaked in beer in a bath tub. It is being said that taking bath in beer can help in dealing with stress, skin and hair problems and it can also improve the cardio activity.
Beer spas
Image Source: amazonaws.com


Cryotherapy, which is also known as cold therapy, is a technique in which a person is exposed to an icy cold or freezing environment by making him sit in a cold tank. It is being said that by sitting in cold tank, a person gets stronger at mental level and his life also increases but as it is a new technique, there is no confirmation of the claims and it is being said that there are some side-effects as well.
Image Source: www.sciencenews.org

5Snail facial therapy

Snail facials are also getting popular nowadays and it is being said that they help in making a person look younger. Snails spread their mucus while massaging the face and as the mucus contains antioxidants and proteins, this treatment is considered beneficial for the skin. Many spas in Thailand are offering this therapy considering the increase in its popularity.
Snail facial therapy
Image Source: ytimg.com

10 People Who Found Genius Solutions to Everyday Problems

There is no denying the fact that problems are a part of our lives and facing them bravely is the only correct solution that we have. 

Many times we have seen that people try to avoid the problems until and unless, solving them become a necessity. The reality is that we should accept the challenges thrown by these problems as they crop up because the more we delay them, the more complicated they get.

Here are some examples in which people came up with simple but great solutions of their problems and proved that with a little bit of creativity and thoughtfulness, no problem is so big that it can’t be solved.

1Chair with purse holder

It becomes a little difficult for women to handle their purse whenever they go out as holding them for the whole time can make them tired. A designer has come up with a chair which has a space on its back to hang the purse. In this manner, the woman can relax after hanging her purse and it will be very difficult for anyone to take it away, if she is sitting on the chair.
Chair with purse holder
Image Source: imgur.com

2How to find avocado is ripe or not?

If you are really fond of avocado but you are not able to understand that when it is soft ripe or firm ripe then this sticker would be of great help to you. This sticker will take you through the three stages of avocado, first one is when it is not ripe, second when it is firm ripe and the final one when it is soft ripe. As per your taste, you can match and eat the avocado when it is in your choice of state.
How to find avocado is ripe or not?
Image Source: twimg.com

3Essence of Eucalyptus while taking shower

A hot shower is quite relaxing after a hectic day of work and it can be more soothing if the water has the essence of a flower or plant. Here is a simple way to add aroma of Eucalyptus by tying some of it to the shower head and when the hot water will flow through it, it will leave a beautiful and exotic scent with the steam.
Essence of Eucalyptus while taking shower
Image Source: www.mixnews.lv

4Now you won’t forget your keys or mobile

Many times we forget the keys or mobile when we go out of the house but if you apply this simple trick, neither you will forget the keys nor the mobile. As you can see in the photo, you just need to clip your keychain with the charger lead with which your phone is getting charged. Now you will be reminded of taking both of them even if one of them gets slip from your mind.
Now you won’t forget your keys or mobile
Image Source: thematicnews.com

5Buckle up if you want to listen to music

Road safety is an issue of concern all over the world and most of the times, the accidents take place of because carelessness. Many times people lose their lives just because they didn’t wore seat belts but here is a music system which doesn’t let you listen to music until and unless you buckle up. Fun and security together, isn’t it really great?
Buckle up if you want to listen to music
Image Source: twimg.com

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