This Is A Simple Test To Determine If You Have An Above Average Intelligence. Can You Figure It Out
Sometimes when puzzles come out on the internet, they are actually quite simple and do not have much forte in determining one’s mental capacity.
This puzzle is a real tough one though, and will really rack your brain cells to figure it out! The puzzle is so good that is has been shared millions of times on social media, and is grabbing the attention of many.
According to users, if you can solve this puzzle you therefore have an IQ greater than 150. Do you think you can do it?
Do you think solving this puzzle is a truly accurate indicator of your IQ level? Sound off in the comments!
Before you get started, read this description of the video from YouTube to see what you’re getting yourself into. “If 6 + 4 = 210, and 9 + 2 = 711, what is the rule to combine numbers? This “intelligence test” has been shared more than 3 million times on Facebook. On Twitter people claim solving it means you have an IQ of more than 150 (genius level). In this video I ask a question to test if you really understand the rule. As the original test asks, “Share if you understood it,” the description reads.
Check out these numbers below and see if you can find any pattern in them:
The numbers may seem completely random, but there is in fact a pattern! If you want a hint, then try adding and subtracting certain digits and see what you can get. It might take several combinations and different attempts to even come close to solving this puzzle. I’ll give you clue: there is definitely a defined pattern in this puzzle. It just takes some time to solve and see it.
If you are having some trouble, don’t worry because most of the internet is! Give it another shot, and use this second hint: Add the two numbers and look at the last two digits.
Once you get there, you should be able to derive some more understanding of the puzzle. That hint should definitely give you an inclination to what the pattern is.
If you want to learn more about how this puzzle works, and see how a system of equations can be applied to the situation to do some more cool puzzle calculations, check out the video below and let us know how long it took you to figure out the pattern!
Share your answer and this puzzle once you’ve reached a conclusion!
Facebook has designed the special page where you can create and share a nice Thank you video for your friends on Facebook.
Facebook will randomly select your frequently contacted friends and list them so that you can select who you can send thank you video, although you can also decide to search the name of the friend you wish to create the video for.
You have the option to select the theme for your video which may be under the category of the video you want to create which may for old friend, for friend or for family.
From there, you can decide to customize your video through selecting the pictures and statuses that you would like them to appear in your video.
Now to create thank you Video, just go through the following link:
The Flying Dead: Crazy Artist Bart Jansen Loves Turning Deceased Animals Into Helicopters
There are many ways you can pay homage to a deceased pet. You could keep their ashes in an ornate urn on the mantlepiece or frame a picture of them and hang it pride of place in your home.
Or, if you happened to be Dutch artist Bart Jansen, you could could always stuff it, then attach motors and propellers and launch it into the air. Like you do.
Yup, that’s what he did with his cat Orville who was run over by a car, creating the astonishing and bizarre Orvillecopter. Jansen made this airbourne freak show, which you can witness in the above video.
It was made a few years ago and, naturally, it set the internet alight at the time.
Since its creation Jansen has made a few more of these animal-copters, which I’ll point out, he makes from animals that have already died. He’s not a monster.
He followed up Orvillecopter with OstrichCopter, a half ostrich, half copter flying hybrid of WTFness.
And here’s his Ratcopter to come flying straight into your nightmares.
Branching out from copters he recently made this Sharkjet, made from a juvenile white tip reefshark. So yeah, flying sharks. Great.
And here’s a DogCopter. This one isn’t made by Jansen and it isn’t real either. But maybe if you ask Jansen nicely he’d make one.
And, to play us out, here’s a song dedicated to the Orvillecopter called “Cat Helicopter Drone Song”. Becaue a catcopter definitely needs its own anthem.
Here’s Why 2016 Is Going To Last A Second Longer Than Most Other Years
A lot of people, myself included, can’t wait for 2016 to be over so we can start hating 2017 but there’s some bad news, 2016 is going to be longer than most years.
2016 will be a whole one second longer than most years because we’re about to experience a leap second this New Year’s Eve, which is like a much shorter version of a leap year.
The reason for this added extra season of torment is because the Earth’s orbit isn’t perfectly circular it’s more egg shaped, and as it circles The Sun this wibbly-wobbly orbit can cause the Earth’s rotation to slow down or even speed up.
Other factors include the movement of the Earth’s crust and mantle. Interestingly on the day of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and consequently Boxing Day tsunami the Earth lost 2.68 microseconds because of the quake.
The thing is, because we base the time on the Earth’s rotation (one full rotation every 24 hours) researchers sometimes deem it necessary to add a leap second to keep clocks on Earth as accurate as possible.
Time is a tool to measure the day
Since scientists first noticed this variance in the Earth’s orbit back in 1972 there have been 26 leap seconds inserted around the world, or roughly speaking every 18 months.
Of course 2016 had to be a second longer than necessary. Can we not just make 2017 start minus one second earlier?