20+ Reasons Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Women routinely outlive men for a variety of reasons, biological, social and lifestyle factors included.

There may be one much more obvious factor however that often gets overlooked: men simply take more stupid risks.
This list, compiled by Bored Panda, is a vivid illustration of that. It is a collection of questionable intelligence, macho bravado and callous disregard for personal safety. And it is tragically funny! 

Scroll down below to check it out for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!

#5 Glassblower Playing Jump Rope With Molten Hot Glass

Glassblower Playing Jump Rope With Molten Hot Glass
This is an updated list that we've opened up to submissions. Do you have any pictures of men foolishly putting their life on the line? Upload your photos, or vote on your favorite!

#7 Safety First, Sure

Safety First, Sure

There are many biological theories behind why women live longer than men, but we’re sure that behavior like that in these pictures isn’t helping. Live and learn, guys!

#8 5 Minutes Break

5 Minutes Break

15 Photos That May Make You Jump Out of Your Seat (Proceed With Caution)

Photographs can evoke all sorts of feelings from happiness to despair. They can make you jump out of your seat with joy, 

excitement, and fright. The internet is full of these photographs and images. But searching for them is not easy. 1.8 billion digital images are uploaded to the internet every single day. That’s 657 billion photos per year!!!

For those moments when you want to see something different or unimaginable, Bright Side has curated a special list, so that you can spend your time enjoying and not waste it diving deep into the annals of the internet. So put your seatbelts on and scroll through.

Halloween Putin from space

A moth during mating season is the biggest NOPE you’ll ever see.

So close yet so far

Bet you wouldn’t touch it even with a 10-foot pole.

Centipede Sushi

6 Alarming Symptoms Of Tonsilloliths That Should Never Be Ignored

Ever experience a sore throat but think there could be more to it than having strep throat or tonsillitis? Maybe you’ve noticed your tonsils are swollen or you see something strange at the back of your throat. 

Pair those symptoms with the sensation of something stuck in your throat and chances are you may have tonsil stones. So what are they, exactly?

“Formally known as tonsilloliths, the stones consist of mucus, dead cells and other debris that collect in the deep pockets of the tonsils and gradually condense into small, light-colored globs,” The New York Times explains. What causes these lumps of calcified material to appear is generally unknown, but medical professionals believe bacteria in the mouth may have something to do with their formation.

The good news is that a lot of the time, tonsil stones don’t require any treatment. They often don’t produce any symptoms, and some are small enough that they can be removed with a finger or the tip of your tongue. Larger stones, however, may require antibiotics or surgery, so it’s important to visit your doctor if you think you might have them.

Here are six possible symptoms to watch for when it comes to tonsil stones:

1. Bad Breath

Tonsil stones are known for attracting bacteria and giving off a putrid smell, causing halitosis, or really bad breath.

2. Sore Throat

Tonsil stones may make it painful to swallow. They can also cause coughing fits and in some cases, even choking.

3. Swollen Tonsils

Larger tonsilloliths often go hand-in-hand with tonsil infection, causing inflammation.
4. Difficulty Swallowing

Swelling and larger stones may make it difficult for you to swallow depending on where they’re located.
5. Ear Ache

Because tonsils share nerve pathways with the ears, a tonsil stone close to the nerve could cause ear pain.

6. White Debris

Tonsil stones are solid, white lumps that can be seen at the back of the throat. Some even have a similar appearance to teeth.

I’ll be sure to visit my doctor ASAP if I ever notice any of these symptoms. Have you ever dealt with tonsil stones?

This Is What Causes Headaches and How Best You Can Get Rid Of Them

Headaches are one of the most common conditions which people all around the world suffer from. It is estimated that nearly 50% of the world’s population have suffered or are suffering from headaches. 

According to a list released by the World Health Organization, It is ranked as the top 10 (in men) and top 5 (in women) causes of disability. Headaches may come and go, but there is no doubt that there are unusual causes that trigger this painful condition. 

Here are some of those causes which you might not have even thought would be the reason why you’re having such a bad headache:

1Sunlight and Vitamin D Deficiency

Studies from the University of Eastern Finland reveal that the risk of chronic headaches is increased if your body is lacking vitamin D. The serum vitamin D levels were analyzed, by scientists, in nearly 2,600 people. It was found that people with low levels of serum vitamin D were susceptible to developing chronic headaches, more so than others. Frequent instances of chronic headaches were reported by men after being examined in seasons other than summer. This was due to the fact that the solar radiation is much less in other seasons as compared to summer.
Sunlight and Vitamin D Deficiency
Image Source: rsute.ru

2Bright Light

Sometimes bright light can be the unusual stimulus to headaches and people experiencing this will retreat to dark rooms to avoid the light. Studies conducted by the Beth Israel Medical Center have been successful in identifying the novel connections between both neurons in the eyes as well as those in the brains. These neurons are also responsible for controlling our mood in physical parameters like fatigue, the heart rate, nausea and shortness of breath. Besides headaches, bright light also causes anxiety, anger, annoyance, and desperation. In fact, participants of the research revealed that they experienced shortness of breath, discomfort, and nausea.
Bright Light
Image Source: breakbird.com

3Thunder and Lightning

To determine whether lightning caused the frequency of headaches to increase or if other weather factors were responsible, mathematical models were used by the scientists within the University of Cincinnati for this. The tests, after factoring in all weather conditions, indicated a 19% higher chance of getting headaches on days with lightning. This showed that lightning does affect people’s chances of getting headaches. It is still unclear as to why lightning and meteorological factors such as barometric pressure and humidity trigger headaches, as pointed out by Geoffrey Martin. However, these studies have still been able to prove the connection between lightning and how it can cause headaches.
Thunder and Lightning
Image Source: imgur.com

4Depression and Anxiety

The most common reasons for what causes headaches are depression, unhealthy sleep, and anxiety. Studies from the National Defense Medical Center in Taiwan have also pointed out that a common pathophysiological mechanism causes the frequency of headaches to be influenced by emotional distress. This can be better understood by how certain signaling pathways causes pain perception and modulation to be altered by emotional responses. In fact, the outcome of this research has offered suggestions on how treating headaches might prevent anxiety and depression in patients suffering from migraines.
Depression and Anxiety
Image Source: thematicnews.com

5Medicines Containing Codeine

An Adelaide University study found that consuming large doses of codeine-based medicines can potentially increase the risk of serious headaches. Patients with a high sensitivity to pain experience frequent headaches. In fact, users of opioid drugs only further decrease their tolerance for pain thereby making them unable to get any real relief. Since pain sensitivity is a major issue for them, opioid drugs only worsen their problem.
Medicines Containing Codeine
Image Source: breakbird.com

25+ Unrepeatable Moments People Rushed to Snap Photos Of

Have you ever come across an upside-down cloud or even a rare yellow watermelon? In this collection, we have everything — from a ship trapped under ice to the world’s smallest peas and underwater waves. Coming across this collection will make anyone thankful for the invention of the camera and the people who shared these miraculous pictures online.

1. A tree seed that looks like a tiny pineapple

2. A green frog relaxing and pressed up against the glass

3. A collection of spices in Marrakesh that look unrealistic

4. This wine glass was broken with perfect symmetry:

5. The numbers on the dashboard counting backwards

6. The greatest coincidence of the mirror effect

7. The perfect onion

8. When it starts to snow during May in China:

9. The sun is shining through the kitten’s ears and you can see its veins.

10. When bubbles create a perfect honeycomb pattern:

11. The door slammed on this girl’s nails and even though it looks painful, it also looks beautiful.

12. The tiniest peas in the world

13. What waves look like underwater on a windy day

14. These beautiful rice fields in Bali

15. The Sutro Tower in San Francisco that, due to the foggy weather, looks like a floating ship.

16. A ship that sank and got trapped under the ice

17. This is what Mammatus Clouds look like:

Mammatus clouds form at the base of larger cumulonimbus clouds. When there is turbulence present in the cumulonimbus cloud then it will cause the mammatus clouds to form. It is basically a cloud that has been flipped upside down.

18. A yellow watermelon

Yellow watermelon is another variety of watermelon that is exactly the same as red in taste. There is genetic mutation added to it which prevents it from producing lycopene.

19. That is definitely what you don’t want on your pizza:

20. A rainbow patch reflected in the sky

21. A very small Praying Mantis on someone’s arm

22. The Pain au chocolat that looks like a sad hedgehog

23. Water drops hugging strawberry plant leaves

24. This small driftwood looks like a bird:

25. The traffic light showing a couple holding hands

26. The beer in all of the glasses forms a straight horizontal line across the table.

27. This car cruises around like a moving garden:

28. This giant lemon looks like a watermelon:

Which of these pictures did you like the most? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

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