Fish Bowl Snowman craft for Christmas. ADORABLE! Use 3 different sized fish bowls


Here is the newest addition to our holiday decor: a Fish Bowl Snowman craft for Christmas! Isn’t it ADORABLE?! I set up a tiny Christmas scene in each one. I got everything from the craft store including the bowls! I can’t wait to show you how I made it:)

For this craft, you will need:
  • 3 different sized fish bowls that stack. I got these at Michael’s, but I’ve seen smaller versions at the dollar store!
  • Snow village pieces. Even though it’s not even Halloween yet, every craft store has allllll of their Christmas supplies out right now, including everything you’d need to create a little snow village. Or, you can always pick them out online (like these).
  • 1 bag of fake snow. Have no fear, any craft store will have this too. One bag goes a long way!
  • 2 sheets of black craft foam
  • scissors
  • Christmas ribbon for around the snowman’s top hat
  • Glue gun
Did you see this video on our Facebook fan page? Watch how fun it is to make a fish bowl snowman:
  1. Put a little fake snow at the bottom of each bowl.
  2. Arrange your various snow village pieces to make a special scene! I found a small house at Michaels, so I placed a flameless candle inside of it. I absolutely LOVE the warmth it gives to our fish bowl snowman. Plus, it’s so gorgeous at night. Well, I might keep it on during the day too:) I can’t get enough!
  3. To make the snowman’s top hat, you will need to trace a circle in the black craft foam that is slightly larger than the opening of your smallest fish bowl on top. I used a round Tupperware lid as a guide! Use a bowl or anything around your house to do this. Next, determine how tall the hat needs to be on top of the circle base you cut. Using the black craft foam, cut a rectangle that rolls into a cylinder. Hot glue the edges of the rectangle together to make a cylinder. Next, cut a small circle out and glue it to the 
  4. top of the hat. Finally, embellish the top hat with some Christmas ribbon!

Isn’t that fun? It looks so pretty in person and really adds charm to any indoor holiday decor.


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