Cómo mantener tu salud

    La salud es algo que podemos dar por sentado fácilmente. Cuando empezamos a perderla, es difícil creer que hemos pasado tanto tiempo sin valorarla. Para asegurarte de mantenerte lo más sano posible, te hemos preparado una guía

     que te ayudará a estarlo, donde se detallarán los aspectos relativos a tu salud física, mental y emocional. ¿Por qué querrías vivir de otra manera?
  1. 1
    Enfócate en las frutas y verduras. Una alimentación saludable está llena de vitaminas, nutrientes y colores (además de ser balanceada). La manera más fácil de que sea así es consumiendo más frutas y verduras, las cuales están llenas de nutrientes, pero no de calorías, es decir, podrás comer muchísimas sin que afecte tu cintura, además son buenas para la salud. Y, por supuesto, ¡mientras más frescas, mejor!

    • La mayoría de las frutas y verduras son buenas para la salud, pero se dice que algunas son mejores que otras. Si de verdad quieres centrarte en el poder de la madre naturaleza, podrás agregar col rizada, espinaca, zanahorias, apio, arándanos rojos, arándanos regulares y piña en el carrito de las compras de la próxima semana.[1] ¡También son todos los colores del arcoíris!
  2. 2
    Incorpora carnes magras, productos lácteos bajos en grasa y granos integrales. Por más saludables que sean las frutas y verduras, también necesitarás incorporar otros productos para que tu alimentación sea variada y balanceada. Cuando compres carnes, leche, quesos y pasta, asegúrate de escoger carnes magras, lácteos bajos en grasa y pasta de grano integral. Es decir, tendrás que comprar carnes blancas (sin piel), leche, queso, yogur descremado o bajo en grasa, pasta integral, quínoa y avena.
    • En cuanto a los granos, entre más marrones, mejor. En realidad, los granos blancos no deben ser parte de tu alimentación. Si están blancos, es porque han sido procesados y han perdido todos los nutrientes. Son solo carbohidratos vacíos.
  3. 3
    Reduce la cantidad de comida procesada. Si está empaquetada, lo más probable es que no sea tan saludable y, si está en un envase que vencerá en años, peor. Resulta que el Ministerio de Salud ni siquiera regula todos los ingredientes que contienen. Por otro lado, ¡el organismo no regula tampoco esos aditivos! Ni siquiera se reconocen como productos alimenticios. El organismo los almacena y no sabe qué hacer con ellos. Es algo muy desagradable.
    • El Ministerio de Salud tampoco regula todas las etiquetas. Las empresas pueden hacer uso libre de palabras y frases como “100 % natural”, “de corral”, “sin aditivos” y “puro” sin penalidad alguna.[2] Así que si vas a comprar algo empaquetado que se venda con una afirmación que no parezca factible, es probable que no lo sea.
  4. 4
    Toma más agua. Si buscas un milagro en la Tierra, quizá el agua sea tu respuesta. Mantente hidratado y verás que casi todas las demás partes de tu cuerpo se mantendrán sanas: la piel, el cabello, las uñas, los órganos, hasta tu mente. Además,¡podrás bajar de peso! Algunos estudios arrojaron que se puede bajar hasta 2 kilos (5 libras) al año con tan solo aumentar la ingesta de agua un litro al día aproximadamente.
    • Algunas de las razones que provocan la pérdida de peso es que beber agua te mantiene saciado, pero beber agua fría también acelera el metabolismo. De hecho, beber agua fría (500 ml [17 oz] para ser precisos) aumenta el metabolismo un 30 % durante 10 a 40 minutos. Así que toma agua fría mientras hagas ejercicios y quemarás incluso más calorías.
  5. 5
    Cocina de la manera correcta. Como vas a eliminar toda la comida procesada, inevitablemente estarás más tiempo en la cocina, en donde por fin pondrás tus conocimientos del canal de cocina en práctica. Cocinar es excelente para el presupuesto, las habilidades y la cintura, y te recomendamos lo siguiente:
    • Si puedes, consume la mayor cantidad posible de alimentos crudos. No hay nada de malo con las verduras congeladas y enlatadas, pero comerlas crudas será muchísimo mejor. En ese estado, no habrán perdido ninguno de sus nutrientes.
    • Emplea el tipo correcto de aceites, tales como el de oliva o de cártamo, pues están llenos de grasas buenas. Haz lo mismo con los quesos, mantequillas y cremas untables, procura buscar la versión light de sus equivalentes con grasas completas.
    • Evitar freír y rebozar los alimentos. El pollo es bueno, pero solo si no está empanizado, frito en aceite y sazonado con condimentos azucarados.
    • ¡No eches sal a los alimentos! La Asociación Americana del Corazón recomienda que la ingesta de sal debe ser menor a 1500 mg al día. Parece una cantidad fácil de alcanzar hasta que te enteras de que una cucharadita contiene 2300 mg.[3]
  6. 6
    Concéntrate en las grasas buenas. Hemos hablado sobre ellas anteriormente, pero queda mucho más por explorar: las grasas son necesarias (sobre todo para que tu cabello esté más brillante, para que tus uñas estén más sanas y para que tu sistema digestivo funcione normalmente), pero las grasas no saturadas son muchísimo mejores que las saturadas (que contienen grasas trans). Algunas fuentes de grasas buenas son: el aceite de oliva, el aguacate y las nueces, siempre con moderación.
    • Atención: no debes consumir esas grasas aparte de los alimentos que comes normalmente, sino que deberás emplearlas como sustitutos. Así que, en vez de saltear verduras con aceite vegetal, opta por el aceite de oliva. En vez de consumir una barra de caramelo, opta por un manojo de almendras. Esos sustitutos también te saciarán, pero tu organismo podrá procesar las grasas no saturadas de manera mucho más eficiente.

Llevar un estilo de vida saludable

  1. 1
    Ejercítate. No hay vueltas que darle: tener un estilo de vida sedentario es la receta perfecta para destruir el organismo. Para mantenerte sano, tendrás que ser activo. Si no usas tus neuronas, las pierdes y ¡lo mismo sucede con los músculos! Así que ya sea que quieras correr 5 kilómetros por la mañana o que solo pasees al perro todas las noches, haz algo. Tu cuerpo tiene ganas de hacerlo.
    • Los CDC (Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de EE.UU.) recomiendan hacer 150 minutos de actividad física moderada a la semana, incluido un poco de actividad cardiovascular y fortalecimiento muscular.[4] Por cierto, eso equivale a 2,5 horas. 2,5 de las 168 horas de la semana es una cantidad razonable, ¿verdad? Entre más vigoroso sea el ejercicio, necesitarás hacer menos.
    • Si tienes sobrepeso u obesidad, la única manera de saber si te interesa tu salud es si vives debajo de una montaña en donde no llegue Internet inalámbrico. Incluso bajar 4 kg (10 libras) mejorará significativamente tu salud.
  2. 2
    Modera tu ingesta de alcohol. Con ello queremos decir que deberás tomar un trago al día si eres mujer y dos si eres hombre.[5] No, no quiere decir que siete tragos en un día equivale al consumo de una semana; no son acumulables. Uno o dos tragos al día te mantendrán sano y evitarán que no tomes decisiones tontas. ¡Ganas en todos los aspectos!
    • Y un “trago” no equivale a una lata de 350 ml (12 oz) de cerveza o 120 ml (4 oz) de vino o 30 ml (1 oz) de algún trago corto. A su vez, si el trago no es demasiado dulce, mucho mejor.
  3. 3
    Deja el cigarrillo. Quizá también sepas que fumar no hará nada bien para tu salud sin contar que absorberá una buena porción de tu presupuesto. Además, perjudica a quienes están a tu alrededor, ¿acaso no son motivos suficientes para dejarlo? Si tu salud te preocupa en lo más mínimo, dejar el cigarrillo estará en tu agenda inmediata.
    • Tampoco tendrás que esperar décadas para sentir los efectos de dejarlo. Después de 20 minutos de dejarlo, tus latidos disminuirán. ¡Minutos! Un año sin fumar disminuirá las probabilidades de sufrir alguna enfermedad cardiovascular a la mitad de las que tenías antes. ¿Por qué esperar otro segundo más? Tu cuerpo, tus seres queridos y tu billetera te agradecerán muy pronto.
  4. 4
    Hazte exámenes físicos regulares. A medida que envejecemos, se vuelve cada vez más importante que estemos al tanto de nuestra salud, aunque no tengamos ningún síntoma. Te conviene ir periódicamente al dentista o al médico solo para asegurarte de que estás en plena forma. Si todo va bien, será un gran alivio.
    • Además de los exámenes generales en el dentista y en el consultorio del médico, hazte descartes de cáncer de mama o de próstata y de ETS periódicamente, también mantente al día con las vacunas. Lo último que querrás será tener algo siniestro propagándose por tu organismo y te quedes sin hacer nada.
      • Los análisis de ETS serán menos angustiantes si practicas una vida sexual segura. Si eres sexualmente activo, usa condones.
  5. 5
    Diviértete. Mucho trabajo y nada de relajo dejan a uno hecho un estropajo, pero a ese dicho también le faltan los adjetivos “triste” y “enfermizo”. Es en serio: es necesario divertirse un poco en la vida; si no, podrías morir joven. Además, ¿qué sentido tiene la vida si no te diviertes en lo absoluto? Así que toma la decisión de dejar a un lado el trabajo y hacer lo que disfrutas. Toda la vida te parecerá mejor.
    • Tómate un tiempo todos los días y dedícatelo a ti. Ya sea que optes por meditar, leer, bailar desnudo en la sala o salir a caminar, hazlo y disfrútalo. ¡Te lo mereces!
  6. 6
    Mantente activo haciendo cosas pequeñas. A veces, es difícil hacer ejercicios con el trabajo, las reuniones sociales, los niños y los compromisos que no podemos dejar de cumplir. Cuando estés muy ocupado, será importante que busques maneras de moverte. Aunque sean solo 2 minutos extras de ejercicios, se acumularán si lo haces todos los días.
    • Ejemplo: estaciónate lejos de donde vayas a ir. Sube por las escaleras, no por el ascensor. Haz 5 minutos de rutinas abdominales antes de ducharte. Lava tu auto a mano. Si vas a salir con alguien, vayan al parque. Si eres creativo, verás oportunidades por doquier.
  1. 1
    Mantente estimulado mentalmente. El cerebro es como un músculo y se acostumbra a los ritmos que le impones. Si estás frente a la televisión cada dos días, se atrofiará y se volverá perezoso, pero si lo mantiene activo, se mantendrá fresco y con ganas de embarcarse en la siguiente gran aventura. Así que apaga el televisor y haz algo para desafiarte. ¿No quieres jugar ajedrez?
    • Internet lo facilita todo. Haz Lumosity, sudoku, un crucigrama, Memrise, Khan Academy o Coursera (solo por nombrar algunas posibilidades). Prácticamente podrás hacer de todo en la computadora, ¡así que no tienes excusas!
  2. 2
    Desestrésate. Ya hemos hablado sobre divertirse, pero no hemos ahondado mucho sobre eliminar el estrés, si bien ambos van de la mano. Además de divertirse, será importante que controles tus niveles de estrés. Las personas con un alto nivel de estrés comen más, duermen menos y en general son menos sanas. ¡Los niveles hormonales en el cerebro afectan casi todo!
    • Lo más simple que podrás hacer es identificar los agentes que lo causan y mantenerlos lejos de tu vida, al menos lo más que puedas. También ponte a practicar yoga o a meditar y libera espacio de donde vivas. Básicamente, estarás organizando tu vida, buscando un sentido y nunca cediendo el control.
  3. 3
    Duerme. Cuando no dormimos lo suficiente en la noche, toda nuestra vida se ve afectada. No podemos concentrarnos, prestar atención, comemos más, nuestras hormonas se alborotan, etc. Todos necesitamos dormir unas 8 horas, pero si es necesario hacerlo durante 7 o 9, dependerá de cada uno.
    • Para que sea más fácil tener un sueño de calidad, empieza a desconectarte temprano, no tan tarde, unas 2 o 3 horas antes de acostarte. Sal de la computadora, deja de mirar el celular y pulsa el botón “Apagar” del control remoto. Lee, toma un baño o relájate con tu familia o compañeros de cuarto. Vive el momento.
  4. 4
    Prioriza tu red social. Ser sociable con los demás seres humanos es como respirar. Si no sociabilizamos mucho, nuestras facultades mentales sufrirán y empezaremos a perder el control de nuestra vida. Por eso, ¡date tiempo para llamar a tus amigos! Llama a un familiar con el que no hayas hablado en años. Cuando te sientas equilibrado, cuando te sientas como parte integral de una comunidad, todo empezará a encajar.
    • Es fácil dejarse absorber por el trabajo o esforzarte por la relación, pero la vida es mucho más fructífera cuando se está rodeado de una red social floreciente. Procura programar una noche con tus familiares o amigos de vez en cuando. Eliminará el estrés y tendrás más personas con las que podrás confiar cuando las necesite, un sentimiento muy, pero muy reconfortante y saludable.
  5. 5
    Sal de tus esquemas. Para que tu mente se mantenga activa, haz algo que nunca hayas hecho. Ve a una ciudad a la que nunca hayas ido, empieza a practicar un deporte que nunca hayas hecho, ponte creativo si hace años que no ves tu lado artístico. Busca un pasatiempo que siempre te haya dado curiosidad, pero para el que nunca hayas tenido tiempo y date tiempo para hacerlo. Te sentirás productivo, sentirás que has logrado algo y lo más importante: te sentirás bien. Justo lo que te recetó el médico.
    • Ya sea hacer parapente, tomar una clase de cocina o ir a una gran ciudad sin mapa, ganarás algo de esas experiencias nuevas. ¡Aunque sea una gran anécdota para contar!
  6. 6
    Ve tras aquello que te apasiona. En serio, porque al fin y al cabo, la vida sin pasión no será una vida sana. Todos tenemos un sueño y aunque no puedas dedicarle todo tu tiempo, podría ser algo que tenga su propio nicho en tu vida. Así que pasa los miércoles por la tarde escribiendo tu libro, toma clases de guitarra a los 45, empaca tus maletas y sal. No te sentirás contento si no lo haces.
    • La felicidad es crucial para ser una persona plena. Por eso, ir tras lo que te apasiona será excelente para asegurarte de que tu felicidad sea permanente. Si te hace te proporciona calidez interior, es por algo. Nunca dejes que todo aquello que te apasione se quede en el camino. Justamente existe para que tu corazón y mente estén felices y saludables.

DEADPOOL 2 (2018)

Untitled Deadpool Sequel, commonly known as Deadpool 2, is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Deadpool, distributed by 20th Century Fox.

 It is intended to be the twelfth installment in the X-Men film series, and a sequel to the 2016 film Deadpool. The film is being directed by David Leitch from a script by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, with Ryan Reynolds starring in the title role alongside Morena Baccarin, T. J. Miller, Leslie Uggams, Brianna Hildebrand, 

Stefan Kapičić, Zazie Beetz, Josh Brolin, and Jack Kesy.
Plans for a sequel to Deadpool began before that film's release, and were confirmed in February 2016. 
Though the original creative team of Reynolds, Reese, Wernick, and director Tim Miller were quickly set to return for the second film, Miller left the project in October 2016 due to creative differences with Reynolds, and was soon replaced 
by Leitch. Drew Goddard had also been in contention to direct, and joined the film to consult on the script in early 2017.
 An extensive casting search to fill the role of Cable took place,
 with Brolin ultimately cast in the role. Filming took place in British Columbia, Canada, 
from June to October 2017. During filming, stunt woman Joi "SJ" Harris died in a motorcycle accident.
Untitled Deadpool Sequel is scheduled to be released on June 1, 2018.

Deadpool 2: Rob Liefeld Meets Cable in Set Photo
Comic creator Rob Liefeld met Josh Brolin’s Cable in an all-new photo from the set of Deadpool 2. The writer, the mind behind Cable’s creation and co-creator of Deadpool with writer Fabien Nicieza, has been heavily involved in Deadpool 2, posting regular Instagram and Twitter updates about the sequel to Deadpool.
Deadpool 2 has a lot to live up to since its predecessor remains the highest grossing R-rated comic book adaptation of all time. Since Deadpool broke numerous box office records, the only way Fox could top its success was with the introduction of a major fan-favorite character like Cable. Thankfully, according to Liefeld, Cable clearly lives up to the hype.


Liefeld took to Instagram to enthuse about the casting choice made by director David Leitch, calling Brolin one of his favorite actors as well as “one of the most talented actors of all of space and time.” Liefeld is clearly excited by what Brolin’s performance has to offer. His post, indicating that he had seen Brolin in action, teased the actor’s commitment went beyond his physical transformation and that he had “found the voice” that would please fans of the comic books Liefeld had created. Liefeld went on to call Brolin’s casting on par with the decision to pair Ryan Reynolds and Deadpool, a match made in heaven for comic fans. His excitement was infectious, easily hyping his followers up for the film and the iconic team-up between the characters.
Nathaniel Summers, code-named “Cable”, is a mutant from a potential future timeline involving the “mutant messiah” Hope Summers, whose presence has been hinted at motivating Fox’s X-Men franchise’s future. The soldier from the future and Deadpool’s soldier of fortune teamed up in an ongoing series titled Cable & Deadpool from Marvel comics. There, the relationship inspired a fan-following, making the embittered soldier a must for the sequel. Just what Cable’s role in the sequel will look like remains to be seen and it’s led to a lot of speculation from diehard fans, but Cable hasn’t been shy about showing himself. He’s appeared in everything from Logan‘s Deadpool short to the recent Deadpool 2 marketing campaign.
Cable’s origin story is probably one of the most complex in comics, however, and the pressure is on for Fox and Deadpool 2 to deliver a film that lives up to the gleeful insanity of Deadpool. Cable and Deadpool will also be a part of Fox’s X-Men plans moving forward. The casting search for Cable was one of the most frantic in history for comic book fans, many of whom might be asking if Brolin’s Cable can live up to the hype.
Everything about Brolin’s performance, however, seems to indicate that the actor approached Cable with both gravitas and a deep respect for the material. From his physical transformation to this final blessing from Cable’s creator, all that remains is for Deadpool 2 to hit theaters so that fans can make the final call.

This Is A Simple Test To Determine If You Have An Above Average Intelligence. Can You Figure It Out ?

This Is A Simple Test To Determine If You Have An Above Average Intelligence. Can You Figure It Out  
Sometimes when puzzles come out on the internet, they are actually quite simple and do not have much forte in determining one’s mental capacity.

This puzzle is a real tough one though, and will really rack your brain cells to figure it out!  The puzzle is so good that is has been shared millions of times on social media, and is grabbing the attention of many.

According to users, if you can solve this puzzle you therefore have an IQ greater than 150. Do you think you can do it?

Do you think solving this puzzle is a truly accurate indicator of your IQ level? Sound off in the comments!

Before you get started, read this description of the video from YouTube to see what you’re getting yourself into. “If 6 + 4 = 210, and 9 + 2 = 711, what is the rule to combine numbers? This “intelligence test” has been shared more than 3 million times on Facebook. On Twitter people claim solving it means you have an IQ of more than 150 (genius level). In this video I ask a question to test if you really understand the rule. As the original test asks, “Share if you understood it,” the description reads.

Check out these numbers below and see if you can find any pattern in them:

The numbers may seem completely random, but there is in fact a pattern! If you want a hint, then try adding and subtracting certain digits and see what you can get. It might take several combinations and different attempts to even come close to solving this puzzle. I’ll give you clue: there is definitely a defined pattern in this puzzle. It just takes some time to solve and see it.

If you are having some trouble, don’t worry because most of the internet is!  Give it another shot, and use this second hint:  Add the two numbers and look at the last two digits.

Once you get there, you should be able to derive some more understanding of the puzzle. That hint should definitely give you an inclination to what the pattern is.

If you want to learn more about how this puzzle works, and see how a system of equations can be applied to the situation to do some more cool puzzle calculations, check out the video below and let us know how long it took you to figure out the pattern!

Share your answer and this puzzle once you’ve reached a conclusion!

F.C.C. Repeals Net Neutrality Rules

Federal regulators voted Thursday to allow Internet providers to speed up service for websites they favor — and block or slow down others — in a decision repealing landmark Obama-era regulations overseeing broadband companies such as AT&T and Verizon.

The move by the Federal Communications Commission to deregulate the telecom and cable industries was a prominent example of the policy shifts taking place in Washington under President Trump and a major setback for consumer groups, tech companies and Democrats who had lobbied heavily against the decision.

The 3-2 vote, which was along party lines, enabled the FCC’s Republican chairman, Ajit Pai, to follow through on his promise to repeal the government’s 2015 net neutrality rules, which required Internet providers to treat all websites, large and small, equally. The agency also rejected some of its own authority over the broadband industry in a bid to stymie future FCC officials who might seek to reverse the Republican-led ruling.
The result was a redrawing of the FCC's oversight powers, at a time of rapid transformation in the media and technology sectors.

The vote has also cast a spotlight on Pai, once a little-known regulator, who has become one of the faces of deregulation in the Trump era. On the eve of the vote, Pai released a video that featured him dressed as Santa, wielding a lightsaber and clutching a fidget spinner to defend his decision to repeal the net neutrality rules and mock his critics.

Consumers might not feel the effects of this decision right away. But eventually they could begin to see packages and pricing schemes that would steer them toward some content over others, critics of the FCC’s vote argued.

For example, under the Obama-era rules, Verizon was not allowed to favor Yahoo and AOL, which it owns, by blocking Google or charging the search giant extra fees to connect to customers. Under the new rules, that type of behavior would be legal, as long as Verizon disclosed it.
"You and I and everyone else who uses the Internet for personal use will see some changes in pricing models," wrote Glenn O'Donnell, an industry analyst at the research firm Forrester, in an email. "For most of us, I expect we will pay more. Service bundles (e.g., social media package, streaming video package) will likely be bolted on to basic transport for things like web surfing and email."
Pai’s opponents vowed to wage a fierce campaign. The hacking group Anonymous said it will "make these men realize what a terrible mistake they made," threatening to "come after" Pai and his allies. Opponents of the FCC action, meanwhile, said they would take the agency to court. New York's attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, announced Thursday that he intends to file a multi-state lawsuit "to stop the FCC’s illegal rollback of net neutrality."
A legal challenge would extend the torturous journey of a consequential technology policy that began in 2004 under President George W. Bush and that has been approved by the FCC in multiple incarnations, only to be struck down or reversed later. Both sides have well-heeled companies and sophisticated lobbying operations, with cable and telecom groups opposing restrictions on their activities and high-flying tech giants and start-ups seeking such rules.
"For the last decade, we've been on a regulatory roller coaster," said Jack Nadler, a partner at the law firm Squire Patton Boggs. "We are likely looking at two or three more years of uncertainty. And then there is the 2020 presidential election, which could lead to yet another policy upheaval."
The FCC’s decision eclipses what would have been considered middle-of-the-road conservative positions just a decade ago, said Jeffrey Blumenfeld, co-chair of the antitrust and trade regulation practice at the law firm Lowenstein Sandler.
"What we're seeing now is a dramatic change not just from the Obama administration, but even from the prior Republican administration," said Blumenfeld.
Under President Bush, the FCC outlined a series of guiding principles that would eventually lead to the 2015 net neutrality rules. Then-FCC Chairman Michael Powell, in a 2004 speech, said Internet users should enjoy four fundamental freedoms: The freedom to access any Web content of their choice, so long as it was legal; the freedom to use any online application; the freedom to use their home broadband connections on any device; and the freedom to get subscription information from their own providers.
Internet providers say that the move by the FCC will not lead to the death of the Internet, as some net neutrality activists have claimed.
They argue there is no financial incentive to penalize specific apps or services, that giving some sites the option of faster service could in fact benefit consumers, and that the new rules allow the Federal Trade Commission to sue carriers that act anti-competitively. Consumers' daily Internet experience will not change, according to some industry officials.
"The Internet will continue to work tomorrow just as it always has," said AT&T in a statement Thursday.
The officials also said the 2015 rules discouraged providers from making broadband faster and more reliable, according to the industry. USTelecom, a trade group representing AT&T, Verizon and others, said that annual broadband infrastructure spending fell from $78.4 billion in 2014, before the rules took effect, to $76 billion in 2016.
Powell, who now leads a top cable industry trade group, said that the repeal of the FCC's net neutrality rules is still consistent with the four freedoms he described nearly 14 years ago.
"Our belief at the time was that the Internet needed to retain a light regulatory environment to get broadband moving," said Powell. "And the companion to those four freedoms was the decision to keep the Internet classified as an information service." ("Information service" providers face fewer obligations under the FCC's regulatory structure than do providers of telecom service, a category that covers landline phone companies.)
Under Democratic FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, the net neutrality rules took the extraordinary step of reclassifying Internet providers as telecom providers, giving the FCC broad powers to define new obligations for providers on everything from prices to privacy practices.
Advocates hailed the 2015 decision as a victory for consumer protection and a necessary step in light of how differently the Internet now looks compared to its earlier days, when fewer massive companies dominated the space. Meanwhile, industry groups sought to get the regulations overturned in court. They failed, but have escalated the case to the Supreme Court. The Court has yet to decide whether it will hear the case.
"If the arc of history is long, we are going to bend this toward a more just outcome — in the courts, in Congress, wherever we need to go to ensure that net neutrality stays the law of the land,” said FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, a Democrat, in remarks preceding Thursday's vote.
Rosenworcel also took aim at the public feedback process that led to the decision, alleging major irregularities in the record. Two million comments filed to the FCC on net neutrality were submitted under stolen identities, she said. Half a million came from Russian addresses, and 50,000 net neutrality complaints have gone "inexplicably missing."
The comments have also been the subject of an investigation by Schneiderman and the state of New York, who joined 17 other state attorneys general Wednesday in a letter calling for the FCC to delay its vote. The FCC has repeatedly refused to cooperate with his agency's investigation, Schneiderman has said.
Analysts expect that such complaints could come up again in any litigation over the FCC vote.
Some analysts believe the uncertainty surrounding net neutrality provides an opening for congressional legislation to settle the issue once and for all. Republicans on Capitol Hill are optimistic. But their efforts are likely to stall unless they can court Democratic votes, and many Democrats view litigation against the FCC as the preferable course of action.
The sharp divides on net neutrality show that what began as a bipartisan issue has hardened into two distinct sides.
"Tribal partisanship is dominating our public policy debates," said Marc Martin, a communications lawyer at the firm Perkins Coie. "It wasn’t always this way. First adopted and enforced during the Bush administration, net neutrality began as a noncontroversial policy to protect consumers’ use of online platforms."

Facebook’s 2017 Year In Review

Today we are announcing our 2017 Year in Review highlighting the top ways people came together on Facebook to support one another.

First, people came together to react and talk about important moments and events that happened around the world. The top three moments that people discussed globally in 2017 were:
  • International Women’s Day: This was the No. 1 most talked about moment in 2017, doubling from last year, with people around the world talking, sharing and posting in celebration of women and related issues.
  • Super Bowl 51: Fans around the world turned to News Feed to cheer for their favorite teams, celebrate with Lady Gaga and debate the top TV ads, with more than 262 million views of Super Bowl-related videos on the platform.
  • Las Vegas Violence: This tragic incident drove conversation around the world, which in turn motivated more than 3,300 people to offer help to their community through our Crisis Response tools on Facebook.
Second, people came together to support one another in times of crisis. 2017 was a difficult year with natural disasters and violence around the world, but it was inspiring to see people help each other when they needed it most. The top three moments where we saw people come to each other’s aid were:
  • Earthquake in Mexico: The response to this crisis in late September drove the highest number of total interactions within Crisis Response on Facebook of the year, with millions of people marking themselves safe, offering help to their community or donating to the cause.
  • Hurricane Harvey: In late August, the community rallied to help those in need by raising more than $20 million in the biggest fundraising effort for a single crisis in 2017 on Facebook.
  • One Love Manchester: The most viewed video and live broadcast on Facebook in 2017, this benefit concert generated over 80 million views and raised more than $450,000 for those affected by the Manchester terror attack.
Finally, people used Facebook to get together in person. The top two ways people connected through these offline moments by creating Events on Facebook were:
  • Total Solar Eclipse: This celestial moment in August brought the world together through more than 20,000 Facebook Events in more than 80 countries.
  • Women’s March on DC: On January 21, The Women’s March on DC brought over 500,000 people together through the largest Facebook event for a single cause in 2017.
Your Year In Review
We also want to create a Year In Review for you. Starting Wednesday, you may see a personalized video in your News Feed. This video includes moments from this past year that you’ve shared or been tagged in, and compiles them in a short video that can be edited and shared. You can access your video by visiting facebook.com/yearinreview.
The top moments of this year’s Year In Review were determined by gathering a list of the top keywords by volume mentioned in a single day on Facebook between January 1st and November 1st, 2017. To identify which topics were unique to 2017, we compared these keywords to the previous year’s maximum single-day volume. This means that keywords like Mother’s Day and Halloween, which typically represent the top moments every year, do not repeatedly appear at the top of the list.

Introducing Messenger Kids, a New App For Families to Connect

Today, in the US, we’re rolling out a preview of Messenger Kids, a new app that makes it easier for kids to safely video chat and message with family and friends when they can’t be together in person.

 After talking to thousands of parents, associations like National PTA, and parenting experts in the US, we found that there’s a need for a messaging app that lets kids connect with people they love but also has the level of control parents want.
To give kids and parents a fun, safer solution, we built Messenger Kids, a standalone app that lives on kids’ tablets or smartphones but can be controlled from a parent’s Facebook account. Whether it’s using video chat to talk to grandparents, staying in touch with cousins who live far away, or sending mom a decorated photo while she’s working late to say hi, Messenger Kids opens up a new world of online communication to families. This preview is available on the App Store for iPad, iPod touch and iPhone.
Co-Developed With Parents, Kids and Experts
Today, parents are increasingly allowing their children to use tablets and smartphones, but often have questions and concerns about how their kids use them and which apps are appropriate. So when we heard about the need for better apps directly from parents during research and conversations with parents, we knew we needed to develop it alongside the people who were going to use it, as well as experts who could help guide our thinking.
In addition to our research with thousands of parents, we’ve engaged with over a dozen expert advisors in the areas of child development, online safety and children’s media and technology who’ve helped inform our approach to building our first app for kids. We’ve also had thought-provoking conversations around topics of responsible online communication, parental controls and much more with organizations like National PTA and Blue Star Families, where we heard firsthand how parents and caregivers approach raising children in today’s digitally connected world.
And for the past several months, many families at Messenger and Facebook have used the app and helped come up with some of the key features like the easy-to-use parental controls.
More Fun For Kids, More Control For Parents
Messenger Kids is full of features for kids to connect with the people they love. Once their account is set up by a parent, kids can start a one-on-one or group video chat with parent-approved contacts. The home screen shows them at a glance who they are approved to talk to, and when those contacts are online.
Playful masks, emojis and sound effects bring conversations to life.
In addition to video chat, kids can send photos, videos or text messages to their parent-approved friends and adult relatives, who will receive the messages via their regular Messenger app.
A library of kid-appropriate and specially chosen GIFs, frames, stickers, masks and drawing tools lets them decorate content and express their personalities.
Messenger Kids gives parents more control. Parents fully control the contact list and kids can’t connect with contacts that their parent does not approve. Parents control kids accounts and contacts through the Messenger Kids Controls panel in their main Facebook app:
How to Get Started
Every child account on Messenger Kids must be set up by a parent. For parents, setting your child up with a Messenger Kids account is done in four steps:
  1. Download: First, download the Messenger Kids app on your child’s iPad, iPod touch, or iPhone from the App Store.
  2. Authenticate: Then, authenticate your child’s device using your own Facebook username and password. This will not create a Facebook account for your child or give them access to your Facebook account.
  3. Create an account: Finish the setup process by creating an account for your child, where all you’ll need to do is provide their name. Then the device can be handed over to the child so they can start chatting with the family and friends you approve.
  4. Add contacts: To add people to your child’s approved contact list, go to the Messenger Kids parental controls panel in your main Facebook app. To get there, click on “More” on the bottom right corner in your main Facebook app, and click “Messenger Kids” in the Explore section.
More Information and What’s Next
There are no ads in Messenger Kids and your child’s information isn’t used for ads. It is free to download and there are no in-app purchases. Messenger Kids is also designed to be compliant with the Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA).
This preview of Messenger Kids is only available in the US at this time on the Apple App Store, and will be coming to Amazon App Store and Google Play Store in the coming months.
We’ve worked extensively with parents and families to shape Messenger Kids and we’re looking forward to learning and listening as more children and families start to use the iOS preview.
For more specific information about the app, visit messengerkids.com.
National PTA does not endorse any commercial entity, product, or service. No endorsement is implied.

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